Poštujmo Grad!
Dubrovački vodovod
Dubrovačka Republika povjerila je u lipnju 1436. gradnju vodovoda od 12 kilometara udaljenog izvora u Šumetu do gradskih zidina dvojici majstora iz Napulja- Andreuzziu de Bulbitu i Onofriu di Giordano della Cava. Vodovod je građen na principu nagiba terena (slobodni pad), a njegova gradnja bila je iznimno zahtjevna jer polazna i završna točka vodovoda nisu bili velike visinske razlike. Prema ugovoru, vodovod je trebao biti završen u listopadu 1437., ali je završen dva mjeseca ranije. Tada je della Cava nastavio graditi Veliku i Malu česmu unutar gradskih zidina. Inače, kuriozitet ugovora o gradnji vodovoda su dvije odredbe- jedna koja govori o tome da voda ne smije biti privatizirana odnosno da mora biti javno dobro te odredba da količina vode koja bude ulazila u sustav vodovoda u Šumetu mora biti jednaka količini vode na krajnjoj točki – u Gradu.
Kanalizacija ispod stare gradske jezgre
Grad Dubrovnik i Vodovod Dubrovnik očistili su početkom 2019. godine kanal mješovite odvodnje u povijesnoj jezgri, koji se proteže ispod Straduna u dužini od 30 metara. Situacija prije početka radova bila je porazna. Začepljenost kanala masnoćama na određenim dionicama bila je gotovo stopostotna. Posebno loše stanje bilo je na dionici kod Orlandovog stupa, koja je sada očišćena. Naime, kod velikih kiša ovaj kanal nije mogao apsorbirati padaline zbog popunjenosti taloga na visini od četiri petine kanala, u kojem je na dijelovima bilo samo pet centimetara slobodnog prostora. Izgled kanala vidljiv je na snimci ispod.
Dubrovnik Aqueduct
In June 1436 the Republic of Ragusa entrusted the construction of the 12-kilometre-long aqueduct from the spring in Šumet to the Dubrovnik City Walls to two master builders from Naples: Andreuzzo de Bulbito and Onofrio di Giordano della Cava. The waterworks were built with the sloping terrain in mind (free fall), and their construction was extremely demanding because the aqueduct’s starting and end point were not significantly different in altitude. According to the contract, the Aqueduct was supposed to be completed in October 1437, but the construction was finished two months earlier. This is when della Cava built the Large and Small Onofrio Fountain inside the City Walls. There were also two interesting provisions within the contract. The first one stipulated that water shall not become anyone’s private property, i.e. that it shall remain a public good. The second one stipulated that the amount of water entering the Aqueduct in Šumet be identical to the amount of water at the Aqueduct's end point i.e. inside the City.
The Sewage System underneath the Old City
At the beginning of 2019 the City of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik Water Company cleared 30 meters of the wastewater channel underneath Stradun inside the Old City. The situation before the cleaning operation was catastrophic. The channel was blocked by fat deposits to such an extent that certain sections were almost completely closed. The state of the channel was especially poor in the section near Orlando’s Column, a section which has now been cleared. In case of abundant precipitation this channel could not absorb the water because the sediment reached four fifths of its height and in certain sections the opening was only 5 centimetres wide. The state of the channel can be seen in the figure below.